Convert Your WMV to ASF

Online and free WMV to ASF converter

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The codec to encode the video track. Codec "Without reencoding" copies the video stream from the input file into output without re-encoding if possible.
Set the video quality in a VBR mode. Choose "Custom" if you need to set a fixed bitrate (CBR).
Set an output video resolution by selecting one from the predefined set of the most popular resolutions or manually entering a custom resolution.
Convert to WMV


Windows Media Video

WMV is a codec usually used for video compression in ASF format. It is possible to open WMV files both on Mac and Windows with almost any player or convert the format to another one. WMV supports DRM protection that prevent users from copying information. It is the main reason why the format is widely used by companies that sell digital video and audio online. Also the format is well-known among users because WMV files are used on popular Xbox 360 devices. Low bitrate makes such files an ideal solution for HD DVD and Blu-ray discs.
ASF Converter


Advanced Systems Format

ASF is a media container used by Microsoft Windows Media Player. It was designed for streaming audio and video files online. The container determines the structure of the data stream but not how the data should be encoded. Usually the files encoded by Microsoft developers have the .wma or .wmv extensions, other files have .asf extension. Such files generally have MIME type that allows sending files via the internet. The main feature of the ASF is the ability to stream playback, that is the ability to play a video or audio directly at the time of downloading data over the network.

How to convert WMV to ASF

Step 1

Upload video

Select or drag&drop WMV video to convert it to the ASF format from your computer, iPhone or Android. Moreover, it is possible to choose it from your Google Drive or Dropbox account.

Step 2

Convert the file

Now your video is uploaded and you can start the WMV to ASF conversion. If it is needed, change the output format to one of the 37 video formats supported. After that, you can add more videos for batch conversion.

Step 3

Adjust your video

If you want, you can customize such settings as resolution, quality, aspect ratio and others by clicking the gear icon. Apply them to all the video files if necessary and click the button "Convert" to process.

Step 4

Download the video

Once your video is converted and edited, you can download it to your Mac, PC or another device. If necessary, save the file to your Dropbox or Google Drive account.

WMV to ASF Quality Rating

4.9 (69 votes)
You need to convert and download at least 1 file to provide feedback!