
WebP Image Format

This is a new format that supports lossless and loss compression quality for images on the Internet. The Google Company developed this format specifically to do work online as quickly and conveniently as possible. The main advantage is that its file size is small compared to other image formats, but similar in image quality.

Supported Conversions

Convert from WEBP Conversions Rating
1 WEBP to JPG 4.8 632,283 votes
2 WEBP to PNG 4.8 276,847 votes
3 WEBP to JPEG 4.8 103,141 votes
4 WEBP to GIF 4.7 68,116 votes
5 WEBP to SVG 4.3 24,652 votes
6 WEBP to PDF 4.8 13,164 votes
7 WEBP to ICO 4.8 12,176 votes
8 WEBP to DXF 4.6 10,090 votes
9 WEBP to DOC 4.4 7,000 votes
10 WEBP to TIFF 4.8 2,881 votes
11 WEBP to AI 4.2 2,470 votes
12 WEBP to BMP 4.8 2,246 votes
13 WEBP to PSD 4.7 1,862 votes
14 WEBP to EPS 4.4 1,660 votes
15 WEBP to DOCX 4.4 1,198 votes
16 WEBP to WBMP 4.7 828 votes
17 WEBP to PLT 4.8 543 votes
18 WEBP to CUR 4.7 530 votes
19 WEBP to DDS 4.8 461 votes
20 WEBP to HDR 4.3 458 votes
21 WEBP to AVIF 4.4 352 votes
22 WEBP to JBG 4.5 220 votes
23 WEBP to DOCM 4.6 139 votes
24 WEBP to JP2 4.8 120 votes
25 WEBP to TGA 4.9 112 votes
26 WEBP to WMF 4.5 109 votes
27 WEBP to JFIF 4.8 105 votes
28 WEBP to DOT 4.3 73 votes
29 WEBP to EMF 4.6 70 votes
30 WEBP to JPE 4.7 59 votes
31 WEBP to EPUB 4.8 57 votes
32 WEBP to MOBI 4.8 53 votes
33 WEBP to HEIC 4.4 52 votes
34 WEBP to RGB 4.5 40 votes
35 WEBP to XPM 4.6 38 votes
36 WEBP to ODT 4.5 38 votes
37 WEBP to XPS 4.5 36 votes
38 WEBP to FIG 4.8 33 votes
39 WEBP to RTF 4.5 24 votes
40 WEBP to DOTX 4.6 23 votes
41 WEBP to HEIF 3.9 21 votes
42 WEBP to PPM 4.3 21 votes
43 WEBP to FB2 4.9 20 votes
44 WEBP to JPS 4.3 20 votes
45 WEBP to PCX 4.5 18 votes
46 WEBP to PDB 4.8 18 votes
47 WEBP to PGM 4.3 13 votes
48 WEBP to CGM 4.5 13 votes
49 WEBP to DJVU 3.8 11 votes
50 WEBP to EXR 4.9 9 votes
51 WEBP to AZW3 4.8 9 votes
52 WEBP to RB 4.9 8 votes
53 WEBP to MNG 4.9 7 votes
54 WEBP to PBM 4.9 7 votes
55 WEBP to PICT 5.0 6 votes
56 WEBP to ABW 4.2 5 votes
57 WEBP to YUV 3.8 5 votes
58 WEBP to SNB 3.8 4 votes
59 WEBP to PS 4.5 4 votes
60 WEBP to RAS 5.0 4 votes
61 WEBP to SK 5.0 4 votes
62 WEBP to PGX 3.8 4 votes
63 WEBP to JIF 5.0 4 votes
64 WEBP to MAP 4.0 4 votes
65 WEBP to JBIG 4.8 4 votes
66 WEBP to SK1 4.3 4 votes
67 WEBP to PNM 3.8 3 votes
68 WEBP to SIX 5.0 3 votes
69 WEBP to XBM 4.3 3 votes
70 WEBP to MTV 5.0 3 votes
71 WEBP to TCR 5.0 3 votes
72 WEBP to JFI 3.8 3 votes
73 WEBP to LRF 5.0 2 votes
74 WEBP to AW 3.8 2 votes
75 WEBP to DOTM 5.0 2 votes
76 WEBP to PCD 5.0 2 votes
77 WEBP to G4 3.8 2 votes
78 WEBP to G3 5.0 2 votes
79 WEBP to RGBA 5.0 1 votes
80 WEBP to KWD 3.0 1 votes
81 WEBP to IPL 5.0 1 votes
82 WEBP to FTS 5.0 1 votes
83 WEBP to XV 5.0 1 votes
84 WEBP to VIPS 5.0 1 votes
85 WEBP to VIFF 4.0 1 votes
86 WEBP to SIXEL 3.0 1 votes
87 WEBP to PICON 5.0 1 votes
88 WEBP to PFM 5.0 1 votes
89 WEBP to PALM 5.0 1 votes
90 WEBP to SXW 5.0 1 votes
91 WEBP to UYVY 5.0 1 votes
92 WEBP to RGBO 5.0 1 votes
93 WEBP to FAX
94 WEBP to HRZ
95 WEBP to OTB
96 WEBP to PAL
97 WEBP to PAM
98 WEBP to PCT
99 WEBP to SGI
100 WEBP to SUN
101 WEBP to XWD
102 WEBP to RGF
103 WEBP to DBK
104 WEBP to OXPS
Convert to WEBP Conversions Rating
1 JPG to WEBP 4.8 66,322 votes
2 PNG to WEBP 4.8 55,596 votes
3 JPEG to WEBP 4.8 8,144 votes
4 GIF to WEBP 4.7 5,106 votes
5 SVG to WEBP 4.6 3,154 votes
6 AVIF to WEBP 4.8 1,771 votes
7 PDF to WEBP 4.7 1,260 votes
8 JFIF to WEBP 4.8 1,089 votes
9 HEIC to WEBP 4.8 542 votes
10 HTML to WEBP 4.2 458 votes
11 PSD to WEBP 4.7 336 votes
12 BMP to WEBP 4.8 186 votes
13 DOCX to WEBP 4.3 175 votes
14 AI to WEBP 4.7 158 votes
15 EPS to WEBP 4.4 95 votes
16 TXT to WEBP 4.3 68 votes
17 ICO to WEBP 4.6 67 votes
18 PPTX to WEBP 4.1 64 votes
19 TIFF to WEBP 4.7 51 votes
20 XLSX to WEBP 4.2 45 votes
21 WBMP to WEBP 4.5 40 votes
22 XCF to WEBP 4.6 38 votes
23 TTF to WEBP 4.6 31 votes
24 JP2 to WEBP 4.5 28 votes
25 JPE to WEBP 4.5 22 votes
26 CR2 to WEBP 4.7 19 votes
27 DOC to WEBP 4.2 18 votes
28 ARW to WEBP 4.5 18 votes
29 HDR to WEBP 4.7 16 votes
30 NEF to WEBP 4.9 14 votes
31 DNG to WEBP 3.9 12 votes
32 DDS to WEBP 4.5 11 votes
33 OTF to WEBP 5.0 11 votes
34 ODP to WEBP 4.9 11 votes
35 CDR to WEBP 4.1 10 votes
36 HEIF to WEBP 4.3 7 votes
37 EMF to WEBP 4.9 7 votes
38 BIN to WEBP 4.5 6 votes
39 XLS to WEBP 3.8 6 votes
40 EPUB to WEBP 4.0 5 votes
41 PPT to WEBP 4.8 4 votes
42 TGA to WEBP 4.8 4 votes
43 MNG to WEBP 4.0 4 votes
44 CUR to WEBP 4.7 3 votes
45 EXR to WEBP 3.8 3 votes
46 ODT to WEBP 5.0 3 votes
47 PPTM to WEBP 3.8 2 votes
48 PPSX to WEBP 5.0 2 votes
49 WMF to WEBP 5.0 2 votes
50 OXPS to WEBP 3.8 2 votes
51 PGM to WEBP 5.0 2 votes
52 XPS to WEBP 3.8 2 votes
53 XPM to WEBP 5.0 1 votes
54 WOFF to WEBP 5.0 1 votes
55 JPS to WEBP 5.0 1 votes
56 POTX to WEBP 3.0 1 votes
57 RW2 to WEBP 5.0 1 votes
58 RTF to WEBP 5.0 1 votes
59 PS to WEBP 5.0 1 votes
60 PBM to WEBP 5.0 1 votes
61 PDB to WEBP 5.0 1 votes
62 DOCM to WEBP 4.0 1 votes
63 DXF to WEBP 3.0 1 votes
64 CSV to WEBP 5.0 1 votes
65 DCM to WEBP 4.0 1 votes
66 ABW to WEBP
67 DBK to WEBP
68 KWD to WEBP
69 SXW to WEBP
70 AW to WEBP
71 3FR to WEBP
72 CRW to WEBP
73 DCR to WEBP
74 ERF to WEBP
75 FAX to WEBP
76 FTS to WEBP
77 G3 to WEBP
78 G4 to WEBP
79 GV to WEBP
80 HRZ to WEBP
81 IIQ to WEBP
82 IPL to WEBP
83 JBG to WEBP
85 JFI to WEBP
86 JIF to WEBP
87 JNX to WEBP
88 K25 to WEBP
89 KDC to WEBP
90 MAC to WEBP
91 MAP to WEBP
92 MEF to WEBP
93 MRW to WEBP
94 MTV to WEBP
95 NRW to WEBP
96 ORF to WEBP
97 OTB to WEBP
98 PAL to WEBP
100 PAM to WEBP
101 PCD to WEBP
102 PCT to WEBP
103 PCX to WEBP
104 PEF to WEBP
105 PES to WEBP
106 PFM to WEBP
107 PGX to WEBP
109 PICT to WEBP
110 PIX to WEBP
112 PNM to WEBP
113 PPM to WEBP
114 PWP to WEBP
115 RAF to WEBP
116 RAS to WEBP
117 RGB to WEBP
118 RGBA to WEBP
119 RGBO to WEBP
120 RGF to WEBP
121 RLA to WEBP
122 RLE to WEBP
123 SCT to WEBP
124 SFW to WEBP
125 SGI to WEBP
126 SIX to WEBP
128 SR2 to WEBP
129 SRF to WEBP
130 SUN to WEBP
131 TIM to WEBP
132 TM2 to WEBP
133 UYVY to WEBP
134 VIFF to WEBP
135 VIPS to WEBP
136 WMZ to WEBP
137 WPG to WEBP
138 X3F to WEBP
139 XBM to WEBP
140 XC to WEBP
141 XV to WEBP
142 XWD to WEBP
143 YUV to WEBP
144 DOT to WEBP
145 DOTX to WEBP
146 DOTM to WEBP
147 WPS to WEBP
148 DJVU to WEBP
149 AZW3 to WEBP
150 FB2 to WEBP
151 LRF to WEBP
152 MOBI to WEBP
153 RB to WEBP
154 SNB to WEBP
155 TCR to WEBP
156 POT to WEBP
157 POTM to WEBP
158 PPS to WEBP
159 PPSM to WEBP
160 CFF to WEBP
161 CID to WEBP
163 PFA to WEBP
164 PFB to WEBP
165 PT3 to WEBP
166 SFD to WEBP
167 T11 to WEBP
168 T42 to WEBP
169 CDT to WEBP
170 CCX to WEBP
171 CMX to WEBP
172 AFF to WEBP
173 DST to WEBP
174 EXP to WEBP
175 PCS to WEBP
176 CGM to WEBP
177 SK to WEBP
178 SK1 to WEBP
179 PLT to WEBP
180 FIG to WEBP