M4V Converter
Convert your video files for free
Secure conversion
Convertio works right in your browser which is not only faster but also more secure. Read more about security.
On any device
Use the tool on Mac or Windows computer, iOS or Android device.
Really fast
You can convert a video super fast as you do not need to download any app to your device.
Supports clouds
You can upload a video not only from your device but also from Google Drive or Dropbox.
Easy-to-use tool
The interface is intuitive so you can convert your M4V files even if you do it for the first time.
MPEG-4 Video
M4V is a video container that stores audio and video data used for iTunes files. Files of this type may be protected from illegal viewing and copying with Apple FairPlay DRM. In this case audio or video files should be bought in iTunes store. Not protected files can be viewed almost in any modern player because the format is based on MPEG-4 structure.
Supported Conversions
Convert from M4V | Conversions | Rating | |
1 | M4V to MP4 | 4.8 | 9,257 votes |
2 | M4V to GIF | 4.6 | 2,564 votes |
3 | M4V to MP3 | 4.8 | 2,145 votes |
4 | M4V to MOV | 4.8 | 703 votes |
5 | M4V to AVI | 4.8 | 642 votes |
6 | M4V to WMV | 4.8 | 459 votes |
7 | M4V to WEBM | 4.9 | 382 votes |
8 | M4V to MPEG | 4.6 | 332 votes |
9 | M4V to OGV | 5.0 | 205 votes |
10 | M4V to WAV | 4.8 | 191 votes |
11 | M4V to MPG | 4.7 | 177 votes |
12 | M4V to SWF | 4.9 | 132 votes |
13 | M4V to FLV | 4.9 | 121 votes |
14 | M4V to OGG | 4.7 | 86 votes |
15 | M4V to DIVX | 4.9 | 67 votes |
Convert to M4V | Conversions | Rating | |
1 | MP4 to M4V | 4.7 | 7,997 votes |
2 | MOV to M4V | 4.8 | 1,213 votes |
3 | GIF to M4V | 4.8 | 473 votes |
4 | WEBM to M4V | 4.8 | 467 votes |
5 | WMV to M4V | 4.7 | 419 votes |
6 | MKV to M4V | 4.8 | 309 votes |
7 | AVI to M4V | 4.7 | 273 votes |
8 | MPG to M4V | 4.7 | 147 votes |
9 | 3GP to M4V | 4.8 | 107 votes |
10 | FLV to M4V | 4.9 | 87 votes |
11 | SWF to M4V | 3.8 | 70 votes |
12 | MTS to M4V | 4.7 | 62 votes |
13 | TS to M4V | 4.6 | 47 votes |
14 | DIVX to M4V | 5.0 | 24 votes |
15 | MPEG to M4V | 4.7 | 18 votes |
How to convert m4v
Open file
First of all choose a video you want to convert from your PC, Mac or mobile device. Also you can select it from Google Drive or Dropbox account, or simply drag and drop it to the web page.
Convert the video
When your video is uploaded, select an output format for it among more than 37 video formats that are supported by the program. Then you can add more files to convert them together at once.
Customize settings
Now you can click the gear icon and specify the desired codec, quality, aspect ratio and other settings that you find necessary. Apply them to all files if you want and click the Convert button to start the process.
Save the file
When the conversion is complete, you can download the video to your computer. It is also possible to save it back to Google Drive or Dropbox.