
Java ARchive

This format is a Java archive and is presented as a typical ZIP file, in which part of the program is written in Java language. It was gradually replaced by new mobile platforms, since JAR is used for launching applications and games on early generation mobile phones. They can contain a digital signature, and they’re actively used in popular browsers for storing supplements.

Supported Conversions

Convert from JAR Conversions Rating
1 JAR to ZIP 4.5 4,909 votes
2 JAR to RAR 4.4 410 votes
3 JAR to 7Z 4.4 40 votes
4 JAR to TGZ 4.7 15 votes
5 JAR to ARJ 4.3 14 votes
6 JAR to CPIO 4.6 9 votes
7 JAR to TAR.BZ 4.4 7 votes
8 JAR to TAR 5.0 4 votes
9 JAR to TAR.XZ 4.3 4 votes
10 JAR to TAR.LZMA 4.0 4 votes
11 JAR to TAR.7Z 4.0 2 votes
12 JAR to TAR.Z 5.0 2 votes
13 JAR to TBZ2 4.5 2 votes
14 JAR to LHA 5.0 2 votes
15 JAR to TAR.LZO 5.0 1 votes
16 JAR to TAR.LZ
Convert to JAR Conversions Rating
1 ZIP to JAR 4.6 8,738 votes
2 RAR to JAR 4.6 1,813 votes
3 7Z to JAR 4.5 205 votes
4 TAR to JAR 4.4 42 votes
5 TGZ to JAR 4.7 41 votes
6 DEB to JAR 3.8 40 votes
7 RPM to JAR 5.0 17 votes
8 CAB to JAR 4.8 6 votes
9 TBZ2 to JAR 5.0 3 votes
10 ARJ to JAR 5.0 3 votes
11 TAR.XZ to JAR 5.0 1 votes
12 ACE to JAR
13 ALZ to JAR
14 ARC to JAR
15 CPIO to JAR
16 LHA to JAR
17 TAR.7Z to JAR
18 TAR.BZ to JAR
19 TAR.LZ to JAR
22 TAR.Z to JAR