
Debian Compressed Archive File

This is a compression format used for Debian packets and other Unix systems. It’s represented as packaged binary files containing information about author privileges, format version numbers, configuration data and other documents needed for installing programs from a packet.

Supported Conversions

Convert from DEB Conversions Rating
1 DEB to ZIP 4.5 224 votes
2 DEB to TGZ 4.8 54 votes
3 DEB to TAR.XZ 4.5 46 votes
4 DEB to JAR 3.8 40 votes
5 DEB to RAR 4.6 29 votes
6 DEB to 7Z 4.3 6 votes
7 DEB to TBZ2 4.8 4 votes
8 DEB to TAR.BZ 5.0 2 votes
9 DEB to TAR 5.0 2 votes
10 DEB to TAR.LZMA 5.0 1 votes
11 DEB to TAR.Z 3.0 1 votes
12 DEB to TAR.LZO 5.0 1 votes
13 DEB to CPIO
14 DEB to ARJ
15 DEB to LHA
16 DEB to TAR.LZ
17 DEB to TAR.7Z