Convert Your WEBM to HEVC

Online and free WEBM to HEVC converter

Drop files here. 100 MB maximum file size or Sign Up


CRF sets up a constant compression ratio in a way that every frame gets the number of bits needed to achieve a certain perceptual quality.
Set an output video resolution by selecting one from the predefined set of the most popular resolutions or manually entering a custom resolution.
This option controls the number of frames per second. It changes the playback smoothness only, not the output video duration or video playback speed.
Convert to WEBM


WEB Media

WebM is an open media container compressed with VP8 video codec and Vorbis audio codec. WebM format has high video playback quality and data compression parameters.The format is widely used for adding media to web pages and it is supported by all modern web-browsers like Opera, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. The embedding of WebM videos to a site page realizes without delays and errors. WebM is meant to be an alternative to the h.264 standard. The copyright of the extension is held by Google.
HEVC Converter


High Efficiency Video Coding

HEVC or h.265 is the most advanced codec for now because it has the lowest bitrate without losing the image quality. The codec has three main features that distinguishes it from others: parallel decoding, random access to images within the video stream and larger maximum block size. HEVC is aimed to offer the same level of video quality as AVC (h.264), but with improved compression, that is why a video file compressed with the codec will be twice smaller.

How to convert WEBM to HEVC

Step 1

Upload video

Select or drag&drop WEBM video to convert it to the HEVC format from your computer, iPhone or Android. Moreover, it is possible to choose it from your Google Drive or Dropbox account.

Step 2

Convert the file

Now your video is uploaded and you can start the WEBM to HEVC conversion. If it is needed, change the output format to one of the 37 video formats supported. After that, you can add more videos for batch conversion.

Step 3

Adjust your video

If you want, you can customize such settings as resolution, quality, aspect ratio and others by clicking the gear icon. Apply them to all the video files if necessary and click the button "Convert" to process.

Step 4

Download the video

Once your video is converted and edited, you can download it to your Mac, PC or another device. If necessary, save the file to your Dropbox or Google Drive account.

WEBM to HEVC Quality Rating

4.4 (119 votes)
You need to convert and download at least 1 file to provide feedback!