Convert Your VOB to MPG
Online and free VOB to MPG converter
DVD-Video Object
Moving Picture Experts Group
How to convert VOB to MPG
Upload video
Select or drag&drop VOB video to convert it to the MPG format from your computer, iPhone or Android. Moreover, it is possible to choose it from your Google Drive or Dropbox account.
Convert the file
Now your video is uploaded and you can start the VOB to MPG conversion. If it is needed, change the output format to one of the 37 video formats supported. After that, you can add more videos for batch conversion.
Adjust your video
If you want, you can customize such settings as resolution, quality, aspect ratio and others by clicking the gear icon. Apply them to all the video files if necessary and click the button "Convert" to process.
Download the video
Once your video is converted and edited, you can download it to your Mac, PC or another device. If necessary, save the file to your Dropbox or Google Drive account.