SNDT to PRC Converter
Convert your sndt files to prc online & free
Convert to SNDT
MS-DOS early ’90s .SND(RT) files
SND is a file extension for a sound file used with a variety of platforms. SND stands for SouND. SND files may contain audio data specific to a Macintosh sound resource (from Mac OS Classic), an AKAI MPC audio sample, a generic Amiga sound, or other audio file. SND files can often be opened by Apple’s Quicktime Player
PRC Converter
Psion Record
PRC (Product Representation Compact) is a 3D file format that can be used to embed 3D data in a PDF file. This highly compressed format facilitates the storage of different representations of a 3D model. For example, you can save only a visual representation that consists of polygons (a tessellation), or you can save the model's exact geometry (B-rep data). Varying levels of compression can be applied to the 3D CAD data when it is converted to the PRC format using Adobe Acrobat 3D.
How to convert SNDT to PRC
Step 1
Upload sndt-file(s)
Select files from Computer, Google Drive, Dropbox, URL or by dragging it on the page.
Step 2
Choose "to prc"
Choose prc or any other format you need as a result (more than 200 formats supported)
Step 3
Download your prc
Let the file convert and you can download your prc file right afterwards