SK1 to SUN Converter

Convert your sk1 files to sun online & free

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Convert to SK1


sK1 vector graphics

This is a vector images format created in a program for SK1 drawings, which was developed under Linux for open distribution. It contains vector graphics and is used for storing maps, brochures, logos and other illustrations. Today it’s used in vector graphics editors such as Sketch and Skencil.
SUN Converter


SUN Rasterfile

This is a bitmap image format that is used on Sun Microsystems workstations running the Sun Unix operating system. It is used for some types of research. This format does not support transparency settings. It supports full-color and grayscale images.

How to convert SK1 to SUN

Step 1

Upload sk1-file(s)

Select files from Computer, Google Drive, Dropbox, URL or by dragging it on the page.

Step 2

Choose "to sun"

Choose sun or any other format you need as a result (more than 200 formats supported)

Step 3

Download your sun

Let the file convert and you can download your sun file right afterwards