JPE to WEBP Converter

Convert your jpe files to webp online & free

Drop files here. 100 MB maximum file size or Sign Up
Convert to JPE


JPE Image

JPE is an extension used as an optional alternative for JPEG images. It is usually used by digital cameras. For example, some Sony cameras are able to save a high quality JPG image along with the low-res copy in JPE for sending via email.
WEBP Converter


WebP Image Format

This is a new format that supports lossless and loss compression quality for images on the Internet. The Google Company developed this format specifically to do work online as quickly and conveniently as possible. The main advantage is that its file size is small compared to other image formats, but similar in image quality.

How to convert JPE to WEBP

Step 1

Upload jpe-file(s)

Select files from Computer, Google Drive, Dropbox, URL or by dragging it on the page.

Step 2

Choose "to webp"

Choose webp or any other format you need as a result (more than 200 formats supported)

Step 3

Download your webp

Let the file convert and you can download your webp file right afterwards

JPE to WEBP Quality Rating

4.5 (22 votes)
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