G3 to RAS Converter

Convert your g3 files to ras online & free

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Convert to G3


Group 3 FAX

The G3 format is used to compress image files in TIFF format when sending faxes. The compression algorithm allows for the use of a standard 10-times compression, which can be increased. It is used to remove excess image data, which makes it possible to reduce the size of the image and speed up delivery.
RAS Converter


SUN Rasterfile

This format is used to display bitmap images in the SunOS operating system. It uses the RLE compression algorithm and supports between 1 and 32 bits per pixel. It can be created in the Unix environment, and it is used for certain types of research projects. It is primarily used on Sun Microsystems computers.

How to convert G3 to RAS

Step 1

Upload g3-file(s)

Select files from Computer, Google Drive, Dropbox, URL or by dragging it on the page.

Step 2

Choose "to ras"

Choose ras or any other format you need as a result (more than 200 formats supported)

Step 3

Download your ras

Let the file convert and you can download your ras file right afterwards